New look for new content ….

So I have decided that my blog needs an overhaul. So this afternoons job has been to do exactly that a bit of a new look as well as to get organised to do a more general blog of my life rather than the more fitness related one that was here before … Don’t worry that’s all still hiding on the ‘Story so far tab’ in part but will now be incorporated with some of the other loves in my life

So be prepared for a craft, food, fitness and general life blog.

I have a new-found crafting and creative passion at the moment, well maybe not a new-found but definitely as re-invigorated love. I have some fab new twitter friends and blogs which I follow which have been great in giving me new inspirations 🙂 I will be adding a list of those I read and enjoy in the weeks to come (Once I work out how to)

I have however been involved in something called the #Postcircle which was thought up and organised by @Miss_Beatrix (Anna) on her blog and very much a great blog and tweeter.

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First letter received #Postcircle #Goose

#Postcircle has introduced me to 2 great ladies via post (and another so far only on twitter) The excitement I get from writing and receiving traditional hand written post is great. That and of course to be able to have an excite to buy cute notecards and notepaper …. Something large enough for my ‘essays’ letters is quite a mission although I did find some great notecards on


Letters sent from me .. snail mail notecards

Challenge yourself …. Write someone a letter I’m sure that in the excitement and smile they get from recieving it, they will want to reply maybe include a little something to make them smile/find useful I got a great recipe in one of mine … yet to be tested but thought that was lovely

Right I better get going I have a #Postcircle letter reply to write and need to get ready for work and make a curry (busy as ever)
